Student Testimonials

Every summer, students fill out evaluations of our trips. We ask questions like, “What did you learn from your time at Adventure Treks? What did you think about your instructors?” Our students weigh in below!

Adventure Treks has taught me how to become a better leader within my community, how to volunteer, how to think about others before I take action, and how to trust myself in every action I take, whether it’s rock climbing, mountain biking, or kayaking. AT also taught me how to love my surroundings and cherish those around me in the outdoors. Alaska was the best trip I’ve ever had; it was amazing in every way possible. AT is a place where you can challenge and push yourself to reach your goals and build your leadership skills. Thank you so much for three amazing years. I learned and saw so many things. – James from NC

I loved how kind and funny my instructors were. They looked out for us and helped us have such a great time. I was surprised how quickly I came to love the outdoors and not care about being dirty. AT helped me realize my love for the outdoors and explore a world completely out of my comfort zone. – Skylar from NJ

Adventure Treks taught me to not think “I can’t do this” the first time I see something and to have a more positive mindset. This was a really good experience to have: to live a whole different lifestyle, and try new things, and to improve at the things you can already do. And my instructors were extremely funny and helpful and cared for us a lot. – Nivedita from CA

Adventure Treks is my home away from home. – Elliot from OR

Another trip checked off with Adventure Treks. After completing the Yellowstone Teton adventure in 2022, I knew I was ready and up for a more challenging trip. California Challenge seemed inviting to me because of the very rewarding backpacks listed in the trip guide. I had a few friends from the past year and the reunion at the airport was wonderful. Truly one of the most amazing things about AT is how everyone quickly bonds together. I truly feel coming out of this year that I have made lifelong friendships with people whom I could never have met at home. This trip consisted of three backpacks. Backpacking is where the most bonding happens. After hiking for 10 hours, the best thing to do is to sit and relax in each other’s presence. AT is far from complete comfort. There’s moments when cooking dinner seems impossible considering standing up is already kind of far-fetched. But it’s times like this where you learn to persevere and appreciate the small things. California challenge was exceptionally special as we got to attempt the summit of Mt. Shasta. Everyone made it as far as they could and looking down from your highest point was so rewarding, like you really are on top of the world. Mt. Shasta was a trip I will never forget as we hustled, worked together, and pushed past our limits. In the end, it was so worth it. On the Lost Coast, we hiked along black sandy beaches with the vast ocean on one side and the foggy bluffs on the other. Tucking into bed under the starry clear skies on the most comfortable beaches was such a reward and an unforgettable feeling. We also spent a few days rafting and kayaking along the rivers. This is something I absolutely fell in love with on the Yellowstone trip and only expanded this love in California. Raft days are typically more calm and are spent floating around in the water and splashing each other to cool down. Overall, California Challenge was an amazing trip—every little bit is immaculately planned out and shifted to adhere to our group. For me, this trip is not the end—next summer I am excited to go on another trip with Adventure Treks, hopefully heading out to Alaska and maybe even meeting back with friends from this year. AT will never disappoint; it truly teaches me so much about myself and about how to live in the outdoors. I’m so grateful for the people I’ve met and excited for the many connections I’ll continue to make! – Aleksa from British Columbia

AT is an experience that will not only bring out a love for the outdoors you never knew you had, but also teach you valuable lessons that you’ll carry for the rest of your life. – Hannah from Arlington, VA

My instructors were all so funny and helpful and kind. They always knew how to help us and make us feel better. I learned to have confidence in everything I do, how kind people can be, to appreciate everything in life—and to do it all at my own pace. – Niharika from CA

AT has helped with my college transition immensely. The self-confidence and leadership skills I gained on my two AT trips has helped me step into adulthood and college life with a vigor that I would have otherwise lacked. It’s easier being so far away from home after the ‘away’ experience AT provided; it’s a comfortable familiarity to make new friends after practicing making such connections at AT, and the memories and experiences of AT encourage me daily to step outside my comfort zone, be adventurous, and look for true meaning in everyday life. I am beyond grateful for everything AT has done for me. I would not be the same person if not for the amazing program everyone on the Adventure Treks team works to create. Thank you for all that you do, and all that you teach. – Samantha from KS

AT is a place that feels like a second home, with everyone going through the same challenges and gaining the same great adventure. It will teach you how to collaborate with others in a short time period, and how to be more open-minded and understanding of others. – Aurelia from NC

Adventure Treks is a place where you can truly be yourself and everyone will love you for it. – Asa from TX

AT has taught me how to be a better team player and that I can do more than I think I can—if I can summit a mountain, I can survive school! And that I always have people in my corner. It’s the most insane thing I’ve ever done, but also by far the best experience I won’t forget. – Jackie from MD

AT gave me a love for the outdoors and people skills. I have made such amazing friends that I plan to keep for the rest of my life and who feel like family. It’s a truly thrilling and life-changing experience that I’m so grateful to have had… For the second time, I have met some of the best people here. And my instructors love their jobs, care about the students, and are truly interesting people. – Maddy from CA

AT is an amazing leadership-building program full of lifelong memories, self-challenge, and community-building opportunities. – Tate from CA

AT taught me that I can do anything as long as I believe in myself, and that challenges aren’t as big as they seem. It’s the best thing you’ll ever do. – Paige from NC

Every step I’ve taken at Adventure Treks has taken me to the coolest places I’ve ever been. I’ve made friends here that I’ll have forever. – Tobi from OR

AT taught me how to be my best self, and that you can have fun no matter what. There is no growth inside your comfort zone. – Mandy from NC

Our instructors were so funny and easy to be around all the time. They helped me learn that things always get better, and that you can have fun without technology. – Callie from NC

Adventure Treks has given me friendships that will last a long time, and it’s taught me how to lead my peers and create inclusive environments. It’s a great way to see new things, too. – Zayda from NC

AT has taught me to always be myself and trust my gut, and that I am more capable than I thought. It was so fun and eye-opening. I was nervous because I’m not super outdoorsy, but I felt welcomed and had no problem adjusting to this amazing experience. – Ella from MD

My instructors treated us like young adults instead of like kids, and allowed us to help make decisions alongside them. I’ve learned at Adventure Treks that I want to live a carefree lifestyle where I give myself the ability to explore all there is in the world. It’s taught me that I am capable of more than I think, and not to judge so quickly. And, most important, that I am enough. I always develop a stronger appreciation for nature and make unforgettable memories and great friends. – Ella from PA

Adventure Treks offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to find your inner strength, see some of the most gorgeous places you ever will, and form lifelong friendships. I’ve learned that mental strength is often more important than physical strength. – Emmy from MD

Going to Adventure Treks is the best decision I’ve ever made. – Tyler from GA

Adventure Treks brought me to the coolest places I have ever been with the greatest group dynamic I’ve ever been a part of. – Jack from VA

AT has taught me that I can do so much more than I think I can, that I can do things with a fun and positive mindset, and that I can create community with anyone. – Corinne from TX

Adventure Treks pushes you outside your comfort zone in the best way: You learn new skills, build self-confidence, and become really close with the people you’re with. It’s difficult, but the most fun I’ve ever had. And you learn that even when you think you can’t do something, usually it’s just that thought holding you back. – Greta from CA

AT gives you better appreciation for life. Hiking helps you discover the beauty of the world, and camp life helps you appreciate the people around you. Adventure Treks has been a big part of my life for a while. I have learned so much and grown so much. Thank you. – Dunn from NC

AT was literally one of the best experiences of my life. I learned how to really value everything and to seek experiences out of my comfort zone. It’s really an unforgettable experience with amazing people in some of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been to. – Preston from MD

My three trips (especially Leadership Summit) helped me to grow as a leader in such surprising ways. I learned more about myself and how I can engage with others to help make the trip successful. It also reignited my passion and love for the outdoors while connecting me with wonderful people. – Maya from NC

AT is an unforgettable experience with amazing people in some of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been to. Literally one of the best experiences of my life. – Preston from MD

Adventure Treks is truly unique in that you bond so quickly and deeply with people from across the country and globe, while experiencing new and sometimes once-in-a-lifetime things together. My instructors felt like friends and could goof off with us, but I still felt like they could take charge and lead us. They built a bond with each person that made me feel extremely safe and comfortable. This is one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I am thankful to every person here and everything that went into planning and pulling this off for us. – Claire from PA

Adventure Treks is a life-changing experience that will not only grow your physical, mental, and emotional strength, but also change your outlook on people and the world for the better. I enjoyed my third trip beyond comparison. – Mac from NY

2025 enrollment is now open for returning families! Click here to re-enroll for next summer.