Terms & Conditions

The Adventure Treks experience is most successful when it’s a partnership between parents, students, and us. Communication and full disclosure are important to us. We want you to understand our policies so we can build the best possible relationship with your family. The information contained herein will help you be more informed and understand Adventure Treks’ high standards and expectations for both students and families.

Parents/legal guardians will attest that they have fully read and agree to our terms and conditions when submitting an online application.


While we operate with rolling admissions, we intentionally limit the size of our program. Programs fill quickly, so it’s important to apply early to ensure a space.

Submit an online application at www.adventuretreks.com/enroll. To secure a spot on your student’s preferred trip, we require a $1,000 deposit at the time of application. We cannot guarantee a space on a trip until a deposit is paid. Trips begin to fill as early as September, and we accept applications on a rolling basis until trips are full.


We are selective in our admissions process to ensure the best peer groups possible on each program, as the close community we strive to foster and the quality experience we seek to provide for each student can be compromised by a single student. Please see “student expectations” section below for more information.

After an application and deposit are submitted, you’ll receive an email the same or next business day outlining the next steps. This email includes information on payments, the required paperwork and how to complete each form, deadlines for submitting a complete admissions package, and more.

Completed admissions packages are reviewed in the order in which they are received. Our deadlines for notification of acceptance for students change throughout the year, depending on the proximity to summer. Generally, you’ll be notified within one to two weeks of acceptance. However, while we strive for timeliness, we evaluate every applicant individually, and we may choose to extend the process to ensure that the specific trip and/or Adventure Treks is the best fit for the student. The process may also be extended if we are unable to reach the reference(s) provided. Adventure Treks reserves the right to deny acceptance or ongoing participation to any student, based on medical, behavioral, physical, or mental health reasons, or for any other reason, in Adventure Treks’ sole discretion. If your student is not accepted at Adventure Treks, the deposit will be refunded in full. If admissions forms are not received in completion by the deadline provided, Adventure Treks reserves the right to deny ongoing admission to that student without a refund of fees paid.

Our screening process is in place to ensure a mutually good fit and to maintain the integrity of Adventure Treks’ communities. If at any time a student or family withholds or provides incomplete or misleading information or falsely represents their student in interviews, on the application, or in any required paperwork, Adventure Treks reserves the right to deny admission or ongoing participation to that student.

Once accepted and enrolled at Adventure Treks, additional paperwork will be required, including (but not limited to) acknowledgement of risk and liability waivers and parent and student agreement.

  • For new students, a complete admissions package includes an online application, deposit, health history, confidential parent questionnaire, student questionnaire, and confidential school reference.
  • For returning students, a complete admissions package includes an online application, deposit, health history, confidential parent questionnaire, and student questionnaire.

We may request an additional reference or follow-up conversation with a director for any student or parent.


For deposits, we accept e-checks, and Visa, Mastercard, and American Express debit and credit cards. For e-checks, we’ll need your bank’s routing number and your checking account number. For Visa, Mastercard, and American Express credit cards, there is a 3% bank processing fee for every credit card transaction processed. There is no processing fee for debit cards or e-checks. For international families, additional wire transfer information will be emailed to you after your application is submitted.

The $1,000 deposit is applied to the full cost of an Adventure Treks trip and is due within five business days of the application date. Final balances are due in full by March 1, 2025. For new students who apply after March 1, the $1,000 deposit is due within five business days of the application date, and the final balance is due upon official acceptance. For returning students who apply after March 1, tuition is due in full within five business days of the application date.

Final balances can be paid via check, e-check, or credit or debit card (or wire transfer for international families); payment plans can be arranged on an individual basis.

Adventure Treks reserves the right to cancel unpaid applicants whose full tuition is more than 14 days past due, with no refund. The 14-day time frame begins March 1 for any student enrolled at that time, and begins at the time of official acceptance for those students who enroll after March 1. Students whose tuition is not paid in full by the start of a trip will not be permitted to participate, unless prior arrangements have been made.


Upon receiving your student’s application and deposit for an Adventure Treks program, that space is then reserved for your student—we are no longer able to offer it to any other prospective students. Please understand that because we are unable to sell a reserved space, we are not able to provide any refunds for potential cancellations, other than what is outlined below. We highly recommend families purchase a travel protection plan offered by Adventure Treks, or by another provider, to protect your tuition investment. See paragraph 6 for more information.

Once a trip starts, no refund will be granted to a student who withdraws voluntarily or who is sent home because of unacceptable behavior or disciplinary reasons; poor physical condition; illness or injury; mental health concerns; prolonged homesickness; or pre-existing medical or physical condition or injury that prevents them from completing the trip or activities on the trip and/or that was not disclosed to Adventure Treks during the admissions process. All additional travel, lodging, supervisory, or any other expenses incurred by Adventure Treks are the responsibility of the family.

Adventure Treks must enforce our cancellation policy because program expenses (many of which are non-refundable) are incurred well in advance of summer, including, but not limited to vehicle rentals and purchases; permitting fees; outfitter costs; campground reservations; equipment and food purchases; and staff hiring and salaries.

All deposit payments are refundable through December 31, 2025. Between January 1 and February 28, 2025, deposits are nonrefundable. (If you’ve paid tuition in full and cancel by February 28, you forfeit the $1,000 deposit.) For cancellations that occur after March 1, 2025, all payments are nonrefundable. If you apply for a trip after March 1, 2025, and decide to withdraw the application during the admissions process, the deposit is non-refundable. Adventure Treks must be notified of all cancellations in writing.

If any trip starts and then is interrupted or closed for any reason during our operating dates, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide any refunds, though we will do our best to refund recoverable costs.


Tuition at Adventure Treks is transparent, and there are no hidden costs. Tuition includes, but is not limited to, activities, food, group gear, outfitter costs, and transportation. Not included in tuition is airfare; clothing and personal items; any elective costs such as trip and program insurance; and any costs incurred on the trip, such as medical expenses, replacing a student’s lost or broken gear, or additional costs associated with a student’s interrupted, delayed, or cancelled transportation on opening or closing days. Additional fees may apply on a case-by-case basis, in such instances as early arrivals for international students.

Adventure Treks may elect to pay for additional costs for a student up front, including, but not limited to, medical, early arrival/hotel, unaccompanied minor, or baggage fees. In that case, Adventure Treks will seek reimbursement through a families’ preferred payment method on file in CampInTouch.

We can easily accommodate vegetarians and many food allergies, including peanuts, tree nuts, soy, dairy, sesame, and gluten. We regret that we cannot accommodate strict vegan or kosher diets. Adventure Treks may choose to operate a trip free of a particular food (peanuts, tree nuts, etc.) due to student allergies. Adventure Treks may ask students with food allergies or other dietary restrictions to bring certain items with them to supplement their meal options throughout the trip.


Adventure Treks cannot recommend travel protection highly enough. Each year, students must cancel their participation in an Adventure Treks trip because of unforeseen medical reasons or family or personal circumstances. Should your student be unable to attend or leave a summer trip early due to illness, injury, family crisis, etc., travel protection helps you recover your investment (as Adventure Treks cannot offer refunds after the dates outlined in paragraph 4). Travel protection policies can cover a variety of situations, including, but not limited to illness, injury, weather, travel delay, lost baggage, trip interruption, emergency medical coverage, etc.

Adventure Treks is pleased to offer families* the opportunity to purchase travel protection, which can be purchased from the time of initial application up until the final tuition payment is made. Please refer to this page for more information.

*Travel protection is only offered to United States residents. New York residents are not eligible for the “cancel for any reason” option.

Adventure Treks cannot be held responsible for a student’s lost, damaged, or stolen belongings, whether incurred while traveling to Adventure Treks or while on trip. Additionally, in the instance that your student causes intentional damage, blatantly neglects to care for, or loses Adventure Treks’ or outfitters’ gear, families will be responsible for its replacement or repair.


Enrolled families will be required to complete additional paperwork prior to the start of an Adventure Treks program, including, but not limited to, an acknowledgment of risks, liability waiver, and activity waivers from participating outfitters. Your student’s final acceptance, enrollment, and participation on their Adventure Treks program is contingent on full payment and our timely receipt and review of all completed and signed forms. Parents and students agree to return required forms in a timely manner based on the schedule Adventure Treks sets forth, and Adventure Treks reserves the right to deny your student’s participation on their program in the event of failure to do so.


It is the student’s responsibility to arrive with a safety-conscious mindset; desire to challenge themselves and try new things; and a willingness to participate fully, help with group chores and tasks, and care for themselves and others. While some trepidation is quite normal, we expect from each student a positive, considerate, cooperative, and unselfish attitude and a desire to be a part of a close community of friends. Adventure Treks strives to foster an inclusive, welcoming, and judgment-free community of peers that celebrates individuals and the unique strengths they bring. Students are expected to respect others’ backgrounds, gender identities, and beliefs that may differ from their own.

Adventure Treks trips are physically and mentally challenging. It is the student’s responsibility to be physically prepared by getting in good physical condition before their program. We reserve the right to send a student home who cannot meet the physical requirements of the program, or who, in our judgment, does not meet our expectations for demonstrating safe actions or good behavior. Students must be able to function independently and practice good self-care and personal hygiene.

By completing all paperwork, students agree they will abide by these expectations.


Any action by a student that jeopardizes their safety, or the safety of other students or instructors, will not be tolerated. No one student’s actions (in Adventure Treks’ judgment) will be permitted to negatively affect the enjoyment of the program by other students. Individual behavior that keeps the group from forming a close community will not be tolerated. If a rule violation or unacceptable behavior occurs, Adventure Treks will contact the student’s parents with a course of action.

If a student has a known emotional, medical, and/or behavioral issue or challenge, including an eating disorder or self-harm, that was not disclosed to Adventure Treks prior to a student’s program participation, the student may be dismissed. If a student discusses suicidal ideations or exhibits signs of self-harm (at the interpretation of Adventure Treks staff), the student may be dismissed. Repeated, disruptive actions that may result in dismissal include, but are not limited to illegal acts, prolonged homesickness or anxiety, sexual activity, bullying, any type of harassment, stealing, leaving the established boundaries of camp, or other actions deemed unsafe or inappropriate by Adventure Treks.

If a student’s behavior causes them to be dismissed, we will make every effort to give advance notification to a parent. Due to the wilderness nature of our program and lack of cell phone service in some locations, we are not always able to immediately communicate with parents about sending their student home. If a student is dismissed from Adventure Treks, all additional travel, lodging, supervisory, or any other expenses incurred by Adventure Treks are the responsibility of the family.


Adventure Treks programs are 100 percent alcohol-, tobacco-, and drug-free. The possession or use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, any vaping or e-cigarette device, or any illegal drug is cause for immediate expulsion from the trip. This policy is absolutely non-negotiable. If a student brings any of these substances, they should expect to be caught and dismissed.


Adventure Treks’ areas of expertise do not extend to handling behavioral, emotional, psychological, motivational, rehabilitative issues; mental health issues; or eating disorders. We are not in any way a program for youth with emotional, motivational, or behavioral problems and challenges.


Adventure Treks is committed to fostering an inclusive, welcoming, safe, and judgment-free community of peers regardless of gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race or ethnicity, or any other beliefs. To this point, occasionally we’ve encountered situations where a student may choose to use a different name or pronoun from what is listed on their enrollment forms, and we respect these decisions. We are careful not to embolden this activity but respect and honor it when it occurs. Students and instructors are expected to respect others’ identities, even if they differ from their own.

Adventure Treks students will sleep in multi-person tents, or “cowboy camp” (sleeping outside of tents), throughout their adventure. Our tent assignments and sleeping arrangements are based on gender identity, not necessarily their gender assigned at birth. Families are encouraged to communicate with Adventure Treks any information on their student’s gender identity and what sleeping arrangements will make them most comfortable. Families will be able to state their student’s gender identity on the initial online application. If a student would like to switch their sleeping arrangements at any point during their trip for any reason, it is Adventure Treks’ policy to inform the parent/guardian of the student’s request and help find a satisfactory resolution.

Regardless of gender or identity, students are not permitted to enter tents that are not assigned to them, unless given explicit permission by Adventure Treks staff. Additionally, students are expected to stay in their tents or sleeping area for the duration of the night once instructed by Adventure Treks staff. As noted in paragraph A above, sneaking out of camp may be grounds for dismissal from Adventure Treks.


If your student is flying to Adventure Treks, please book their flights to arrive in to and depart from their trip’s specific airport within the windows specified by Adventure Treks (detailed travel information is provided to enrolled families each winter). Flights that are booked earlier or later than these windows create logistical challenges for our instructors and students and can disrupt the group’s schedule. This is especially important on opening day! If you choose to book a flight outside the specified windows, Adventure Treks cannot guarantee that an instructor or director will be able to pick up or stay with your student earlier or later than those windows.

International families: Depending on where your child is flying from and the flights available, your child may be able to arrive the day before the trip starts. Please contact us at admissions@adventuretreks.com or at 828-698-0399 to discuss flight options; please DO NOT book flights without pre-approval from Adventure Treks.


Students may bring a cell phone to use when traveling to and from Adventure Treks, and for a few designated calls home throughout trips (these days will be outlined in forms provided to enrolled parents in spring). Otherwise, students will have not access to their cell phones while at Adventure Treks (they will be turned off and stored throughout the trip). (Students without cell phones will have access to an instructor’s cell phone when designated phone calls home are made.) The wilderness nature of our trips makes it almost impossible for us to provide specific timelines of when students will call home; if you miss your student’s call, we’ll make every effort to provide the opportunity for them to call home again soon. Parents will not be able to call or text their student while on the trip. We do not recommend sending other expensive electronics like tablets or computers with your student to Adventure Treks.

Adventure Treks is not responsible for any electronics or items that are lost, damaged, or ruined, even if collected by instructors.


Exclusive relationships are highly discouraged at Adventure Treks because they detract from the overall group experience. To preserve the unique nature of our program and in the interest of inclusivity, we limit the number of new students who have a pre-existing relationship, whether from home, school, or otherwise, to no more than two to three on any one program (depending on our discretion and the size of the program).

Students who arrive together as friends from home will not spend every day/activity together in order to allow them the opportunity to branch out, make new friends, and help avoid mutually exclusive relationships.


Adventure Treks trips operate between 12–24 students and 3–6 instructors, depending on location; regardless of size, we maintain an overall 4:1 ratio of students to staff. Students will participate in both big- and small-group activities, cycling through different small groups throughout the program.

We strive to maintain a balanced gender ratio on each trip, though a trip’s gender ratio may be anywhere from 20 to 80 percent. If a student is the only one of their gender on the trip or if a trip will operate as single-gender, we will notify parents and provide alternate options if available.


Adventure Treks will make every effort to post photos and written updates provided by students and instructors throughout each trip; these are called trip blogs. Written updates will be emailed to parents, and photos will be uploaded to online albums (trip-specific album links will be provided to parents in late spring). There are limitations regarding the frequency of updates and the number and size of photos that can be uploaded. During multi-day activities like backpacking or sea kayaking, trip updates will not be available until the group comes back into cell service. Our goal is to provide at least one update per week on each trip; however, updates may be more or less frequent. Tentative schedules for trip blogs will be provided in late spring as well.


Adventure Treks accepts donations to the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization Charlie Wellman Memorial Foundation, which provides financial aid for qualified students. Contributions are greatly appreciated. Scholarship applications are released in early January every year. Please call us at 828-698-0399 for more information.


Students at Adventure Treks are required to have health insurance; if participating on a British Columbia, please check that your student’s policy is accepted in Canada. If students do not have health insurance, parents and students will be responsible for any medical costs incurred on the program. Many travel insurance companies offer one-time travel medical coverage.


A completed and signed health history must be submitted in order to be considered for official acceptance and enrollment. The health history does not require a physician’s signature, but we do ask parents to be open, honest, and transparent. In lieu of a doctor’s signature, parents take responsibility to completely and accurately represent their student’s physical and mental health, and to tell Adventure Treks about any and all health issues (including previous mental or physical health issues). Parents and students also agree to update Adventure Treks regarding any medical or psychological issue that arises after official acceptance that could affect their student’s ability to participate on their trip.

If at any time, parents or students withhold or provide incomplete or misleading information, or falsely represent their student, in interviews, the application, or any required paperwork, Adventure Treks reserves the right to deny admission or ongoing participation to that student. By signing the health history, parents and students acknowledge that trained Adventure Treks instructors have the right to administer first aid to students, to engage the services of a medical professional, or to hospitalize a student if deemed necessary. Parents give permission to Adventure Treks, Inc. and all affiliates (including field staff and outfitters):

  1.  To have access to their student’s medical information included on the health history form.
  2. To select medical personnel and to order X-rays, routine tests, or treatment for their student.
  3. To make relevant medical information available to medical personnel.
  4. To provide ongoing health care during the trip.

Parents also give permission to the physician, dentist, or other health care provider selected by Adventure Treks to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and order injection, anesthesia, and/or surgery for their student.


Severe weather; high or low rivers; high or low snowpack; unpredictable natural disasters and acts of God; vehicle breakdowns; road closures; volcanic activity; forest fires; illness; any potential threat to safety; or even a brilliant idea from an instructor or student may necessitate itinerary changes. In the event of a schedule change, comparable activities will be substituted when possible. In the event of significant changes to your student’s itinerary, we will notify you via email.


While participating in Adventure Treks programs, a student may be photographed or videoed by Adventure Treks or any other outfitters. By signing the parent/student agreement, you agree to allow the student’s photo, video or film likeness, or reproductions thereof made through any media, including electronic media, to be copyrighted and used for any legitimate purpose by Adventure Treks or its assigns.


Adventure Treks is wholly committed to the protection and preservation of the natural environment. We use the most current minimum-impact camping techniques and subscribe to the practices of Leave No Trace. Students can expect to shower about once a week during their trip. Students always have soap, water, and hand sanitizer available.


Adventure Treks is an authorized permittee of the National Park Service and operates under licensed permits in the following areas: North Cascades National Park (WA), Olympic National Park (WA), Olympic National Forest (WA), Gifford-Pinchot National Forest (WA), Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument (WA), Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest (WA), Mt. Hood National Forest (OR), King Range Bureau of Land Management (CA), Shasta-Trinity National Forest (CA), Point Reyes National Seashore (CA), E.C. Manning Provincial Park (BC), Chugach State Park (AK), Chugach National Forest (AK), Alaska State Lands/DNR (AK), Denali State Park (AK), Pisgah National Forest (NC), Nantahala National Forest (NC), DuPont State Forest (NC), Rocky Mountain National Park (CO), Yellowstone National Park (WY & MT), Grand Teton National Park (WY).

*This list may be updated at any time.


In accordance with Federal Law and US Department of Agriculture policy, Adventure Treks does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. However, Adventure Treks reserves the right to deny acceptance or ongoing participation to any student, based on medical, physical, or mental health grounds, or for any other reason, in Adventure Treks’ sole discretion.


Adventure Treks reserves the right to change its Terms and Conditions at any time without notice. We publish our Terms and Conditions in several places, including but not limited to, our website and the application for summer. In the case of any discrepancy between published versions, the Terms and Conditions published at www.adventuretreks.com/terms-conditions/ shall control.