Adventure Treks 2013 Summer Memories Video

AT Staff22 Dec, 2013

Happy Solstice from Adventure Treks – The days are finally getting longer which means summer is now in our sights. As much as we love winter activities and the beauty of the outdoors during all four seasons, there is something about the long days, warm weather and absence of school, that makes summer time special.

Adventure Treks Summer Memories 2014 from Adventure Treks on Vimeo.

Sam made you this video to bring back some great memories from your Adventure Treks 2013 summer. At years end, as you reflect on your great experiences and accomplishments from 2013, we hope Adventure Treks memories are some of your best and most formative! We are already hard at work to make Adventure Treks 2014 your best summer ever, and we sure hope you will join us. Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season and a 2014 filled with growth and adventure!


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