How to Pack for Your Adventure Treks Trip

AT Staff03 Jun, 2013

While we’re confident you’ve been packed and ready for your adventure for weeks (wink, wink), here are a couple videos and some friendly reminders to help simplify the process:

How to pack for your adventure:

  1. Your Daypack (a school bookbag is perfect)
    • ID/passport
    • Put your cell phone, medications, iPod, wallet, passport, and return ticket in a ziplock bag with your name on it. You will give this to your instructors at the airport.
    • Pack your essentials in case your bags are delayed. This includes a toothbrush, jacket, raincoat, empty water bottle, and anything else you might need if your bags are late.
  2. Your Checked Bag (a soft-sided duffel bag is highly recommended)
    • Fit everything on your trip’s packing list into your duffel bag. Some airlines charge extra for one or more checked bags – please be ready.
    • This should be a duffel bag WITHOUT wheels. Wheels can damage other bags, and occasionally our instructors.
    • Check with your airline for size and weight limits on checked bags

Don’t forget to log in to access your trip-specific packing list on our Forms and Documents page!

We can’t wait to see you on opening day. Congratulations as you finish your school year!


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