LAS Student Policies & Procedures

Adventure Treks holds high expectations for student conduct and behavior. Enrolled students receive a handbook covering a full list of policies and procedures; overall expectations can be found in our terms and conditions as well. Students are expected to thoroughly read the handbook before the semester; during orientation, we’ll cover each of our policies, community guidelines, rules, and student responsibilities as a group. Listed below are our non-negotiable policies and procedures.

  • Any action by a student that jeopardizes their physical, emotional, or mental safety, or the safety of other students or instructors, will not be tolerated.
  • If a student has a known emotional, medical, and/or behavioral issue or challenge, including an eating disorder or self-harm, that was not disclosed to Adventure Treks prior to a student’s program participation, the student may be dismissed. If a student discusses suicidal ideations or exhibits signs of self-harm (at the interpretation of Adventure Treks staff), the student may be dismissed.
  • Repeated, disruptive actions that will result in dismissal include, but are not limited to: illegal acts, inappropriate sexual activity, bullying, any type of harassment, stealing, leaving the established boundaries of basecamp, or other actions deemed unsafe or inappropriate by Adventure Treks.
Alcohol, tobacco & illegal drug policy

Adventure Treks programs are 100 percent alcohol-, tobacco-, and drug-free. The possession or use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, any vaping or e-cigarette device (or anything containing nicotine), or any illegal drug is cause for immediate expulsion from the program. This policy is absolutely non-negotiable. If a student brings any of these substances, they should expect to be caught and dismissed.

Misuse of prescription drugs is also grounds for dismissal.

Student relationships

We actively discourage and redirect exclusive relationships during each program as they can disrupt the community and detract from students’ experiences. That being said, relationships do happen, and we put the onus on the student to make sure it is not negatively impacting the community and becoming exclusive. If it begins to have a negative impact on the student community, we will follow our behavioral policies protocol and work with the students involved to find a way to move forward. Relationships with community partners, or anyone aside from students in the cohort, is strictly prohibited and is grounds for dismissal.

By attending an Adventure Treks program, the student agrees to abide by the standards of conduct that support the goals of the program.

2025 enrollment is now open for returning families! Click here to re-enroll for next summer.