From student Ben Whorf:
We just finished our epic backpack! We then met up as a whole group and consulted with our cronies about their respective experiences. On our backpack we faced challenges such as tough overpasses, big rocks, painful feet, and a mid-trip toilet paper crisis. My group was able to do the last leg of the backpack in a solo fashion, split by five-minute intervals. While we were waiting for the other groups, we played games. Then we de-rigged our backpacks and drove to our campsite for the night. We took showers, and midway through Tommy’s shower, the water cut off—the guys’ shower was broken! Thanks to our quick wits and backcountry skills, he finished his shower with a Nalgene. The rest of the guys and I ventured to the shower and each had surprising three-minute showers. After we finally got clean, we were surprised by the celebrity judges for the annual Mexi Cook-off. The competition resulted in a dead tie with everyone being rewarded flash tattoos. Right now, we are sitting at a gas station waiting for Norma and Derek to be filled up…