Quick update from regional director Josh

wpdev26 Jul, 2016

Hello from Manning Provincial Park!

The British Columbia crew is currently backpacking in Manning Provincial Park, one of the jewels of British Columbia. I was lucky enough to get to spend the day and evening with them, as they transitioned from their beautiful site in Birch Bay State Park in northern Washington, across the border into Manning Park in British Columbia.
After opening the trip, I joined them again the next morning as they woke up and got started on making French toast. It’s an Adventure Treks tradition to start off with French toast, as it’s easy to teach people to make, and also delicious. After the crew packed up we headed across the border into Canada, and stopped at a park to play some games and eat lunch (I learned I’m not as fast as I used to be).
Manning Park is beautiful, and you really like you’re out there. I enjoyed hanging out with the crew and making some stir fry dinner, and also just laughing and joking around. It was nice to see how excited and friendly everyone is becoming, and how quickly people are reaching out beyond their individual friend groups.
I camped out with the group that night, and helped them pack for the backpack the next day. I was also excited to see how much fun the BC group of instructor is, and how tuned in they are to the students. Three of the six are former AT students, which I think really helps them get what it’s like.
I’m excited for them to be on this backpack, and thanks for sending us great kids! –Josh Goldbach, associate and regional director

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